Custom Mailing List Services

With a full range of services available, AIRPAC becomes an extension to your sales and research staff. Call or fax your mailing or research requirements to us and we will produce a mailing list to meet your specific needs. And we do all the work.

First, we work with you to determine which aviation database will best serve your needs. From there, we narrow down your list to geographical areas and other selection rules. We keep in touch with you every step of the way to insure list accuracy and compliance with your needs. Before you purchase or commit to purchase, you will know exactly what your mailing list consists of, how we put it together, how many names and your cost. If you’re planning a mailing, we can eliminate duplicate and near duplicate names that not only reduce our costs, but can significantly reduce your mailing and postage costs.

Next, your list is formatted to your choice of media, including computer reports, mailing labels, CD-Rom, or Email (CSV format). If you will be using a marketing agency or print shop, we will work with them to insure your list is formatted to their needs.

If you order floppy disks, our free technical support and unconditional return policy provide you with a risk-free opportunity to take full advantage of your computer.

One of our primary objectives is to insure you receive the best possible mailing list. While our duplicate name removal process lowers our charges, we know that the savings passed on to you will build a long term relationship and will encourage you to use our services on future projects.

Call Us Today We will be happy to provide a free estimate for your next marketing, direct mail, or research project.

List & Label Ordering Options

List Selection Select from any of our databases. Our most popular selections are Aircraft Owners, New Aircraft Owners, Pilots, New Student Pilots, New CFI's, and New Instrument Rated Pilots.
Geographical Selection We can narrow your list to 5-digit Zipcode, 3-digit (SCF) zips, Cities, counties, states and regions.
List Processing We offer a variety of processing capabilities to help build the exact mail list you need. Most common options include duplicate address removal and Bad Address removal. For aircraft owner lists, removing duplicates and bad addresses often reduces your maling costs by 10% or more. We can also cross-reference multiple lists (e.g., Airline Pilots that don't own aircraft) or build a list of aircraft owners based on N-Numbers you supply.
Media Selections Printed Output choices include:
      •   Listings (Reports)
      •   Mailing Labels
      •   Postcards
      •   CD-Rom
      •   Email

(Electronic Media formats can be formatted to work with our PlaneBase™ software)
Updates/Follow-Up Our Update Services save you money and allow you to receive fresh prospects either monthly or quarterly. Some of our Aircraft Owner options include:
   • New owners of selected models
   • Prior owners of selected models
   • Address Corrections
Some of our Pilot Name options include:
   • New Pilots in your area
   • New Student Pilots
   • New Private Pilots
   • New Commercial Pilots
   • New ATP's
   • New Instrument Rated Pilots
   • New CFI's
   • New Multi Engine Pilots
   • Address Corrections

Custom Order Price List

Computer Setup Charge
  • First List
  • Additional Lists (each)
Price Per Name
  • Listing Only
  • Mail Labels with Listing
  • CD-Rom ($10 Media Charge)*
  • Email*
* CSV, CD and Email datafiles can be formatted to work with our PlaneBase™ software.
Monthly Update Service (Includes up to 1000 Names)
  • Per Month
  • Additional Lists (call for qualifications)
$15.00/Mo. $30.00/Qtr.

Prices do not include shipping. Computer Setup Charge applies to each order.
Contact Us for more information or for a free quote.